Saturday, October 13, 2018

Water & the Constitution of India – Checks & Balances

Water & the Constitution of India – Checks & Balances
(Centre-State Relationship)
(State–People Relationship)
Entry 17
Entry 20
Entry 56
Fundamental Right
Adjudication of disputes
Environment, Forest,
 Wild life
Powers of Panchayat
Powers of Nagarpalika
Subject to Entry 56 in the Union List.
“Economic & social planning”
The River Boards Act, 1956
 Right  to Life

ISWD Act 1956
Directive Principle
Basic Duty
Devolution of powers to  Panchayat Raj  Institutions
Provides legislative competence to States, implies executive powers to States & enables them to plan & implement dam projects
By this Entry, major & medium irrigation, hydropower, flood control & multipurpose projects have been subjected to the requirement of Central Clearances* for inclusion in the national plan

RBA Act provides only for the establishment of advisory boards.

Supreme Court of India has recognised the fundamental right to water as integral to the right to life
Adjudication of disputes relating to water of inter-State rivers or river valleys

Allocation of waters & the restrictions imposed by a Tribunal Award
42nd Amendment, 1976

References to the protection of the environment, forests & wild life were introduced via Articles 48A & 51A [& two entries related to forests & wild life were added to the Concurrent List]

73rd &  74th Amendments, 1993

Subjects to be devolved to the panchayats & nagarpalikas. The lists include, inter alia, drinking water, water management, watershed development & sanitation

*The Forest Conservation Act 1980, The Environment Protection Act 1986, The Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972, The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1978

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